Thursday, August 23, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
2 Months
This months:
• Bo loves his mobile! He likes any music but I also think he likes looking at the bright colors and contrasts.
• He has really started grinning, laughing, and smiling all the time.
• He responds to us with grins, coos, and giggles...his conversation skills are starting to develop
• He loves rocking on the front porch so this has become a nightly routine. We often sit outside after dinner.
• Bo likes to be held facing out and sitting out so he can see the world
• He is becoming stronger during tummy time. He is lifting his head higher and turning it from side to side
• So far he is not reaching for objects, in fact he isn't very interested in his toys yet
• He has been a great sleeper since birth. Lately he has been sleeping in his crib. Bedtime is between 7-8pm and he sometimes wakes to eat around 2-3am but lately he has been sleeping all they way to 5-7am.
• He is a happy boy in the morning (he does not get that from his mom)
• He loves "The Wheels on the Bus"
• His first trip to church was Sunday, August 12 for his baby dedication
• His first Sunday in the nursery was August 19th. We
• This same night he also attended his first youth huddle and did great. Mom and dad survived all the passing around too :)
Monday, August 20, 2012
Dedicating Bo
We had lots of visitors for Bo's baby dedication weekend. First we visited JJ and Papa at Wrightsville Beach.
Then we visited GG.....
and Aunt Al at Carolina Beach.
Even Grandma Jean
and Aunt Patti came to visit!
I was a great sport!
I still got a little snuggle time with my mama and daddy.
Daddy makes me laugh!
4 Week old cousin Hayden, Aunt Red and Uncle Brandon came to visit too!
Dedication at Winterpark Baptist Church - Sunday August 12, 2012
Brooklyn Quitman and Sarabeth Miller were dedicated too. What a sweet time.
Pastor Eric walked around with all the babies talking to them.
Dedication Brunch
Aunt Jan
Danette, Lee and Trey came for the big day.
Uncle Donald and Uncle Mathew
One day these two are going to be wild men!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Bo loves story time with daddy!
Modeling the Shoes GG made
Practicing Tummy Time...getting stronger everyday!
Beginning to respond with grins

I can't believe our sweet boy is already 7 weeks! Where has the time gone? Over the last few weeks we have started noticing changes in our little man. He can follow objects with his eyes and he has started making more noises "talking and cooing.". Bo loves music. We often play Disney radio on the iPhone when he is fussy and he quickly quiets down. He likes to be bounced so many times at night we will sit on the yoga ball and bounce Bo to sleep. Bo had had issues taking a bottle. We have tried many different brands (Medela, tommee tippee, avent, dr brown). He sucks so hard that he often gets choked. We finally found one that he will take (although he fights it) the playtex nurser. Bo loves to be in an upright position. He prefers being up on our shoulder so he can look around. He is extremely alert and inquisitive. He fights sleep during the day because he doesn't want to miss anything. So far he has been a great night sleeper. He usually goes down between 7-8, will sleep till 12-3, and then till 5-6. Sometimes I can put him down again for another hour or so and I'd we are really lucky he might skip the 12-3 feeding.
Overall he such a happy baby. We love that he has recently started smiling at us. We can even get him to giggle and laugh. It is such a joy to watch him grow. He is such a blessing and we are so grateful for him.
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