Monday, January 30, 2012

20 weeks!

I'm 20 weeks! I can't believe I'm already halfway! I'm still feeling great. I'm hungry all the time and I have slightly more energy than I did in the beginning. I'm hoping everything continues to go well.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Cupcakes for baby boy Rogerson

Oh Boy!

We went for our ultrasound appointment at 8:30 on Tuesday January 24, 2012.  Lance had been on a youth ski trip at Snowshoe the weekend before.  He came home excited about the ultrasound but exhausted from the trip Monday night.  I, however, couldn't sleep.  I felt like it was Christmas Eve!  I went to bed about midnight, got up to use the bathroom about 4:30 am, and couldn't fall back to sleep.  I got up and worked until time to shower and go. I have felt like it was a boy the entire pregnancy.  Lance was thinking it was a girl.  I ate breakfast, showered, and sipped on a coke.  I had heard that if you drink caffeine before the ultrasound appointment the baby would move a lot and put on a good show. 

We headed to the dr's office.  We didn't have to wait in the waiting room long before we were called back.  We were greeted by a nurse and at first I was concerned I wouldn't like her.  Her personality  seemed rather dry.  We later found out she had 25 years of experience under her belt and felt very comfortable with her her skills. The room was warm and the goop she squeezed on my belly was heated.  I was so afraid I would be freezing!

She first asked if we wanted to know the gender.  YES!  So she looked and immediately saw......its a boy.  We asked "are you 100% sure?"  She assured us he is definitely a boy.  For the next 45 minutes she checked our baby boy.  She looked at and measured his heart, brain, stomach, kidneys, bladder, bones.  It was so amazing!  I couldn't believe how much we could see of our sweet boy.  I tried to savor the process.  I know that in a short time our baby will be here.  I want to enjoy this amazing process as much as possible.

We left the appointment with huge smiles on our faces and immediately called GG, Boppy, JJ, Papa, and Aunt Ash, Denise, and Al.  We called our close friends.  Everyone was so excited and most had guessed he was a boy!

We decided to wait and tell our youth and church friends all at the same time Wednesday night after youth activities.  Lance ordered cupcakes with blue icing for the kids to open.  Below is a video of the big announcement.

We couldn't be more excited for our sweet baby boy....our son!

This is the first outfit we bought for or son.  It says "I'd rather be NAKED." Our poor kid :).

Thursday, January 19, 2012

 Here are the prego pictures so far.  I'm starting to get a little bump.  We forgot to take month 3 although I'm sure there wasn't much change from month 2. 

I posted here that I have been feeling the baby move for a couple of weeks.  The past couple of nights I have felt the baby move more and more and thought that maybe Lance would be able to feel it as well.  He has been dying to feel the baby.  So last night while we were laying on the couch watching tv, Lance put his hand on my belly.  The baby started moving a lot and Lance felt the little thumper!  I wish I had a picture of Lance's face.  His reaction is something I will never forget.  I am trying to savor all these firsts because I know they will go by all too quickly.  I'm so thankful to have a husband that is supportive and excited about this journey.  What a great daddy he will be!

 This is the picture we used to tell our families at Thanksgiving about the baby.  We thought they would get "big sisters" but GG and Boppy didn't get it and neither did JJ and Papa.  It was actually quite amusing.  We have videos to post. They will be up soon.

We had "Gantt" Thanksgiving at Ashley and Brandon's old house in Asheboro.  It was wonderfully chaotic.  Ashley and Brandon had just sold their house so there were boxes everywhere.  All the furniture, dishes, utensils, pretty much everything was packed.  But man oh man did we have food!  We made enough to feed an army.  Brandon cooked a fried turkey, we had ham, sweet potato casserole, squash casserole, potatoes, bread, pies and more!

We then had the "Rogerson" Thanksgiving in Williamston.  We went to grandma Elsie's for lunch.  Again, we had more food than we knew what to do with!  We love her potato salad!

I always love Thanksgiving.  There is so much less pressure than Christmas.  This Thanksgiving was even better as we shared our sweet news.  What a blessing our family and friends are.

Aren't these the sweetest girls you have ever seen? They look pretty tough don't they?  Don't let them fool you they are sweet and ready for their brother/sister.

I am so behind on everything this year.  I have a good excuse right???  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from The Rogersons.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

17 Weeks Drs Appointment

I went to the doctor this morning for the 17 week check up.  Everything looked great.  They checked the baby's heartbeat and it was in the high 160's.  Dr. Robison immediately said "Wow, you have an active baby."  He assured me everything looked really good and the baby is healthy.  Now Lance and I are anxious about January 24th when we find out the gender.  According to the old wives tale when the baby's heartbeat is 140+ the baby is a girl and below 140 is a we shall see!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Right after New Years I traveled to Dallas Texas for a conference for work.  On the last flight back as I was resting quietly in my seat I felt a little "thump" in my belly.  I wondered if it was the baby but brushed it off as gas.  I told Lance about the "thump" and he just smiled and said confidently, "it's the baby."  I have felt several "thumps" ever since in my lower abdomen.  It is exciting to start feeling movement.  It feels more and more real everyday. 

Since we told the world I am pregnant I have been getting multiple questions and comments.  I am sure there will be many more in the future.  Here is a list of the most common....

How are you feeling? (EVERYONE asks this)
When are you due?
Is it a boy or girl?
Did you plan this or was it an accident (this is rude!)
What are you naming it?
How are you decorating the nursery.